Baltimore, Maryland, USA
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (EST)
+1 443 253 0203
Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (BDT)
+8802 2266 16261



What is Cyber Security?

BASIS Standing Committee on Digital Security Monthly Seminar Series .

  • Cybersecurity Impact and Challenge
  • Email Security and Social Media Awareness
  • Digital Security Act
  • Endpoint Security
  • Importance of Cyber Security Standards for an Organization
  • ISMS Awareness for General Employee
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Zero Trust
  • Data Security
  • IT Security for Software Development
  • Business Continuity and Recovery Services (BCRS)
  • Network Security
  • Why Organization Need Information Security ?

  • To run well run machine
  • Organization need to Establish Security Requirements or Guideline?
  • Assessing Organization Current Security Risks
  • Selecting Best Security Privacy Controls fit for your Organization
  • Set a Goal or a Starting Point for Information Security…
  • Developing Security Guidelines Based on your Business.…
  • Key Types of Information Technology Security


    Network security : Network security is used to prevent unauthorized or malicious users from getting inside your network.

    Internet security :Internet security involves the protection of information that is sent and received in browsers, as well as network security involving web-based applications.

    Endpoint security :Endpoint security provides protection at the device level. Devices that may be secured by endpoint security include cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

    Cloud security : Cloud security can help secure the usage of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and the public cloud.

    Application security : With application security applications are specifically coded at the time of their creation to be as secure as possible, to help ensure they are not vulnerable to attacks.

    What are Cybersecurity Threats?

    What Are the Top Information Security Threats?

    Ransomware Remains a Persistent Threat

    Supply Chain Attacks

    Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

    Zero-day vulnerabilities, unknown to software vendors, pose significant risks. Stay vigilant for emerging zero-day threats and apply patches promptly when available.

    Phishing and Social Engineering

    Phishing attacks, including spear-phishing, remain a common threat. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their social engineering techniques. Keep your guard up and educate your team.

    IoT Security Challenges

    IoT devices are more widespread than ever, leading to new security vulnerabilities. Regularly update and secure IoT devices to prevent breaches.

    Insider Threats

    Insider threats can come from various sources, including employees, contractors, and business partners. Monitor and control access to sensitive data to mitigate this risk.

    Insider Threats

    Insider threats can come from various sources, including employees, contractors, and business partners. Monitor and control access to sensitive data to mitigate this risk.

    AI and ML Attacks

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being used both by cybersecurity professionals and cybercriminals. Expect attackers to use these technologies for more targeted and intelligent attacks.

    Cloud Security Matters

    The adoption of cloud services continues to grow, making cloud security a top priority. Ensure proper configuration and robust security controls to prevent data breaches.

    Nation-State Attacks

    State-sponsored cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and businesses are an ongoing concern. These attacks can be highly sophisticated and pose significant risks.

    Cybersecurity Regulations

    Stay updated on evolving cybersecurity regulations and compliance requirements in your region. Non-compliance can lead to legal and financial consequences.

    Dark Web Threats

    Cybercriminals collaborate on the dark web, sharing information, tools, and services. Monitoring dark web activity related to your organization can provide valuable insights into potential threats.

    Governance, Risk & Compliance

    Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is a structured way to align IT with business goals while managing risks and meeting all industry and government regulations. It includes tools and processes to unify an organization's governance and risk management with its technological innovation and adoption. Companies use GRC to achieve organizational goals reliably, remove uncertainty, and meet compliance requirements.

    Compliance, Governance, Security and Privacy Standards.


    Information Security Standards for Bangladesh ICT Industry ?

  • Bangladesh Bank ICT Security Guidelines
  • Bangladesh Digital Security Act 2018
  • ISO 2700X - (International Standard Organization)
  • PCI –DSS – (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard)
  • What is the Information Security?

    Information security deals with information, regardless of its format – it encompasses paper documents, digital and intellectual property in people’s minds, and verbal or visual communications.

    Information Security Standards for Bangladesh ICT Industry

  • Bangladesh Bank ICT Security Guidelines
  • Bangladesh Digital Security Act 2018
  • ISO 2700X - (International Standard Organization)
  • PCI –DSS – (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard)
  • Information Technology Information Security Policy

  • Information Security Policy Document
  • Review of the Information Security Policy
  • Information Technology Compliance with Legal Requirements

  • Identification of Applicable Legislation
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Protection of Organizational Records
  • Data Protection and Privacy of Personal Information
  • Prevention of misuse of Information Processing Facilities
  • Regulation of Cryptographic Controls
  • Compliance with Security Policies and Standards?

  • Technical Compliance Checking
  • Information Systems Audit Considerations
  • Information Systems Audit Controls
  • Protection of Information Systems Audit Tools
  • Organization of Information Security

    Information security management is the process of protecting an organization's data and assets against potential threats. One of the primary goals of these processes is to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and availability


  • Management Commitment to Information Security
  • Information Security Co-ordination
  • Allocation of information security responsibilities
  • Authorization process for information processing facilities
  • Contact with authorities
  • Contact with special interest groups
  • Independent review of information security

  • Identification of Risks Related to Internal and External Parties
  • Addressing Security when Dealing with Customers
  • Addressing Security in Third Party Agreements